Last semester in CM 1120 I had to write ten blog posts. They had to be about the poems and short stories we studied in class. I personally didn’t like this assignment and I procrastinated while doing it. I had four months to do ten blogs, and I left it to the last minute and ended up doing them all in one night. My mark could have been better and I know I am capable of more. My problem was I didn’t understand the importance of writing a blog.
Blogs may seem like pointless assignments and a waste of time, but they are much more than that. They allow you to discuss your personal opinion and feelings towards something. Although the English blogs have to be completely “English based”, they still allow you to express yourself. It is your own personal journal and other people can read your words and give you feedback. After writing the blog you have to edit, format, and make it look nice by adding pictures, quotes or whatever else you desire. I gained a new appreciation for blogs because they helped me grow as a writer.
As of right now, I have eight blogs done in CM 1145 and I think that is a great achievement, especially if you compare it to last semester.
I agree completely. I like the blogs this semester though, I feel like there is a lot more you can write about and you can be a lot more creative about it. I'd rather write an emotional appeal than write about what a poem about someone dieing was about.