Wednesday, 8 February 2012

(CM 1145) Research Papers

Research papers are my number one weakness when it comes to English. They require so much attention and dedication! They require so much information, and that information has to be used effectively and properly throughout the paper. The MLA format helps guide you while writing your paper. Perhaps the reason I dislike research papers so much is because they have to be done “right”. They must follow the MLA format specifically, and if they don’t, then you will lose marks. I know because this happened to me last semester.

If you are unsure of what I mean and if you don’t believe me when I say research papers are tedious, then let me take you through some of the things they require:
  • You must never make a title page for your paper unless asked otherwise.
  •  In the upper left hand corner of the first page of your paper, you must list your name, your instructor’s name, the course, and the date. (double space when you do this).
  • Double space again and center your title without underlining, italicizing, or putting quotations on it.
  •  In the right hand corner of the first page put your last name, space, 1. Continue this after every page indicating the appropriate number.
  • To cite an entire website you must follow this format: The purdue OWL. Purdue U Writing Lab, 2010. Web. Date of access.
  • If you are quoting something exactly than you must indicate the page number of where you received that source and the authors name. For example: Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).
  •  For short quotations enclose them with double quotation marks on both sides of the quote. For long quotation marks you must omit quotation marks, and start the quote on a new line with it indented one inch from the left margin while double spacing the entire time.
  • The final page of your paper should be the Works Cited page. It too must have your last name, space, number(?). Double space all citations and indent the second lines of citations with five spaces so that you can create a hanging indent. For actually citing a reference there are specific guidelines that you must follow. I recommend that you check out this website:

 If you check this website out than you will notice that some of the examples I used came directly from there.

As you can see, writing research papers takes a lot of time and preparation. I wrote one for CM 1120 last semester in one night and my mark reflected that. Do not take them lightly, they are the devil assignments. I personally dislike them because of how tedious they are. I lost marks last semester because my works cited page didn't follow the MLA format exactly. You can forget one tiny thing, and you will be penalized for it.

One piece of advice, do NOT procrastinate, because if you do, your mark will reflect it just like mine did.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, research papers are a big pain in my behind. I wrote mine in like three or four days last semester haha. I love that picture also, to bad we can't use wikipedia!
