Thursday, 15 March 2012

(CM 1145) Transitions and Coherence

These are two things that have been drilled into my head since the beginning of high school.  Every English midterm and final exam I have written has had at least one question on coherence, and one essay that had to include transitional terms. After I wrote my grade twelve final, I thought that was the last time I would ever have to answer questions on coherence; I was wrong. When I got to college, it appeared again. It was here when realized how important coherence was, and it’s a shame I didn't realize it sooner because maybe if I had I would have received better marks throughout high school. I used to think coherence was just a pointless question that took up space on exams; I didn't think it had a purpose. I realize now that it is not just a question but it shows up in every form of writing. It shows consistency and it logically places and connects words. It is not something that you can omit from your writing because it links everything together and makes the words flow in unison. In a similar fashion, transitional terms also do this, but in my opinion, they are more difficult to use than coherence and I tend to lose marks in this area. It wasn't until I got to college when I started to understand how important the two of them were. This seems to be a familiar trend; I didn't realize how important certain aspects of writing were until I took the two English courses CM 1120 and CM 1145.
 I wonder which aspect of writing will change my perspective next. 

1 comment:

  1. I also felt the same way back in high school as well. I used to remember being lectured on coherence and unity, the total time of these lectures added up was probably worth a week of class time. I studied about coherence the entire time thinking that unity was not important, then on the public, unity showed up. I guess no matter how you look at it, these two things are vital to the writing process.
