Sunday 27 November 2011

The End of My Blogging Career!

     For my final blog post I decided to do my overall opinion of the course CM1120. It definitely was an adjustment from grade 12 English!! We had 10 months to hand in assignments in grade 12 English, and only 4 months to hand in assignments in CM1120. I promised myself I wouldn't procrastinate this year, but I did the opposite. We had 4 months to do this blog, and I waited till the last minute to do it. I didn't realize how fast the time would fly, I kept saying "oh well, i'll do it tomorrow", but tomorrow would never come! I definitely learned my lesson for next semester! The stories we read this semester were really good as a whole. A lot of them dealt with death...I didn't like that too much but the themes and messages that were hidden within them were really powerful. Some of the poems were really thought provoking and I really enjoyed that because it allowed us to take the deeper meaning beyond the figurative meaning...if that makes sense. I think my favorite story that we studied was either "Stones"-Timothy Findley, or "The Red Convertible"-Louise Erdrich. They both dealt with war; I found them incredibly powerful and they were two stories that will stay with me forever...I know that sounds cheesy but it's the truth. My favorite poem we studied this semester is probably either "The Woman in This Poem", "Eleanor Rigby", or  To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time". They all share the same theme of Carpe Diem but in different ways. The in class essays were really good also. My first essay was just me warming up to the teacher and her methods of correcting. My mark wasn't the greatest and I was really upset by it, but when i wrote my second essay I boosted my mark up drastically. I really enjoyed how she gave us several different options on what to write our essay's on, and it was our choice on which one to use. Overall, I think CM1120 is a really good course and I recommend anyone to take it! You won't be disappointed, trust me!

1 comment:

  1. When I posted my last eight blogs today I thought I was the only one to put this project off, buy I am glad to see I am not the only procrastinator in cm1120! I really have to agree with your opinion on the class and also have to agree with the two stories sticking with you, The Red Convertible will definitly stay with me. I would also recommend this class to anyone who asked me about it!!!
